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Whistleblower system?

What is a whistleblower system?

The whistleblower system serves to recognise legal and regulatory violations, to evaluate the situation and to eliminate the deficiency. Violations of laws or the GSR Ventiltechnik Code of Conduct can harm the company or disadvantage individual persons.

It is possible to report violations in the anonymous whistleblower SpeakUp both online and by voice message.

Public channels are also available.

Violations can be, for example:

  • Corruption, cartel law and money laundering offences Theft, embezzlement and enrichment offences
  • Violations of physical and psychological integrity
  • cases of sexual harassment, discrimination, racism
  • Criminal violations of data protection law
  • accounting and bookkeeping violations with a significant impact that are externally identifiable
  • violations related to technical specifications and/or technical security
  • Violations of human rights (e.g. violation of the principles of the UN Global Compact)
  • Violations related to environmental regulations and/or non-compliance with product-related environmental regulations
  • Export control violations, violation of sanctions


For explanations on how to use the whistleblowing system, please see the following guide and FAQ's.



Data protection information on the whistleblowing system SpeakUp can be found here.

You can reach the whistleblower system of GSR Ventiltechnik via the following media:

0800-1801733 (kostenlos)

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